The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
Wild Ignatius: Finding God in Nature
God dwells in all creatures;
In the elements, giving them existence, In the plants, giving them growth, In the animals conferring on them sensation, In humans giving them understanding. I ponder how the Divine dwells in me. --Ignatius of Loyola St. Ignatius knew that God wants a personal relationship with each of us and communicates with each of us continually through the wonder and beauty of creation. This 8-week program, based on the structure of the spiritual exercises, invites us to become more attentive to nature, to learn to notice the ways in which we are connected to and part of creation and to become more aware of the sacred in all things.
The program includes praying with scripture, poetry and nature writings; journaling, experiences in nature (Holly is also a certified master naturalist) and reflection.
This might be the program for you. For more information, contact Holly here. |